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Children who retain information more easily tend to do much better in school, for obvious reasons. With this in mind, we have put together a guide for parents in Canada, with useful tips on how to increase memory power with memory boosters for kids.

Finding The Best Memory Boosters For Kids

We recommend trying all of the following suggestions and sticking with those that work best for your child.

Make Learning Exciting – Organize learning activities out of school hours that will engage your child’s interest in the subjects you are tackling. People of all ages remember facts, figures, and new skills more easily when the learning process is associated with an exciting event or activity.

Use Visual Cues – Creating visual aids that are associated with certain facts will stimulate your child’s brain and help them to remember more of what they are learning. Flashcards are an excellent example of visual ads that should work well as a memory booster for a child and the more memorable the images you use, the more effective they will be.

Become the Student – Giving your child the opportunity to teach you can be a very good way to improve their memory of the subjects you are covering. It will encourage your child to go deeper into the subject matter and really understand it, which will aid their memory greatly.

Use Audio Aids – Making up songs and rhymes that contain the facts your child needs to remember is a great memory booster for kids who are preparing for a test. If your child is also learning a musical instrument, this can be a good way to help them make progress in two subjects at the same time.

Active Reading – Encourage your child to take notes, draw pictures and highlight important facts when they are reading books. This kind of active reading has been used as a memory booster for students across the globe for many years and can be highly effective.

Multisensory Learning – There’s a very good reason that our online math program for kids in Canada feature a mixture of animations, audio commentaries, reading sections and puzzles to solve: multisensory learning facilitates comprehension and memory retention. Perform an online search with the phrase, “how to increase memory power for children” and you’re likely to see this suggestion repeated on many other sites. This is because teachers all over the world know how effective learning programs that engage all the senses can be.

Make Connections with Existing Knowledge – Human brains remember new facts and skills by linking them to existing ones. You can use this knowledge as a memory booster for kids by helping them to make connections with things that they already know. These connections can be reinforced by following the earlier tips on visual and audio aids: combining old and new facts into a song or image can be a very powerful memory aid for children.

Arrange Short Study Sessions and Present Information in Small Portions – Trying to process large chunks of information is difficult for anybody and can discourage children from making any effort at all. Many parents want to know how to increase the brainpower of a child and one of the ways to do this is to feed them new knowledge in bite-sized pieces. By taking this approach, your child will find each learning session more manageable and the success they enjoy will encourage them to try harder in future sessions. At iSmartStudent, our Math and English programs are based around short spurts of concentration to ensure your child is retaining information.