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Lots of children don’t raise their hands in the classroom because of the fear of being wrong, or not having the perfect answer. Most of us can relate to feelings of anxiety or a fear of being judged by others in the classroom. What we don’t often think about is how crucial these moments are to our development, and achieving our full potential.

What is Growth Mindset?

The Terms “Growth Mindset” and “Fixed Mindset” were coined by Dr. Carol Dweck, the well-renowned Psychologist and Professor. Dr. Dweck and her team did lots of research on thousands of children and learned about two categories of students. The Fixed Mindset children would get discouraged over the smallest of hurdles. They had underlying beliefs about smart kids being born smart. The Growth Mindset children however understood that learning was a process in which effort and time grew intelligence. Research on brain plasticity in the neuroscience world has opened up our eyes supporting this. Neuron connections are constantly changing based on experience. Making good decisions, asking questions, making mistakes all lead to strengthening neural networks.

The Secret to Success in Japan’s Math Class

Many people may or may not know that Japanese students are often ahead in subjects like Math than in North America. This study gives us some clues as to why the students there may be ahead. It turns out that learning in Japan also means to embrace the learning struggles. Each student shares their answers and every single answer is discussed in detail as to why it is correct or incorrect. Through this process it was learned that children had much better memory on how to derive the answer.

iSmartStudent Encourages Making Mistakes to Learn

At iSmartStudent, we use a blend of Online Technology backed by our Tutoring Support. The first thing we do is an assessment. In this assessment, the student’s mistakes are studied and researched to produce a detailed report. The technology and tutors then create a customized lesson plan based on that report. The lessons can be worked on without judgement from others, children can make any mistakes necessary before arriving at the correct answer. The student is in competition with no one else but themselves. Each time the student makes a mistake in their lessons, they are guided towards the right steps. The key is to attempt, make an effort, and not fear the result. If students are really stuck, they can then access our Tutoring Support, who will discuss the answers the student provided, and then guide them to the right direction. This is a great way we develop the “Growth Mindset.”


Flash-Card Race Game

What you need:

  1. Cue cards/ Flashcards/ Piece of paper
  2. Pen/Pencil

How to Play

  1. Write down Mental Math or English questions onto card or paper available to you.
  2. Make sure you have the same number of cards for all participants of the race.
  3. Place these question cards/papers on the floor creating a line.
  4. This will be your race track; you can only move forward as you answer the question correctly.
  5. You can take turns and time each other or race at the same time and see who reaches the finish line first!